Friday, June 06, 2008

Dressing with you

I want to feel your skin against mine,
to feel you fit over me like a fresh
laundered cotton shirt in the morning.
To feel your kisses against my neck
much like my collar brushes against me
when I turn to see if you are near.
To be excited as I feel you cover my arms,
raising the soft hairs of my forearm
your tender touch passes over me
creating chills of crisp anticipation.
Our arms stretch out together as
you hold my wrists like starched
cuffs bound by ivory links.
You will arouse me again with
your fingers as they trace over me
they will feel the sharp creases and
then pull tight and set straight the
rough edges you have awaken.
With my eyes closed I count eight the
times your fingers press against my chest
and work their way over my belly.
Chills erupt from folds within the chintz
as my hand slides down along side of you
and draws you into the hollow of my back.

I will look forward to dressing with
you again.

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You took

From the beat of
this spirit
I give to you
my love
with its rhythms
I offered
you my song.
You took me on
your dance
then left me with
the music
and this lonely heart


once again you have
taken contentment from me

When this heart was not looking,
you gave it restlessness

When this heart was not sleeping,
you gave it emptiness

I turned my head and with a
simple distraction you stole the
loneliness my heart calls today

You led her to the hallways
I saunter my days away in,
and with a single kiss from her eyes,
she has given to me,

I shall curse you

you have saved me once more

tu es mon amour

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Your allure

Where between your thighs
does this beautiful music come,
why when I am out of tune do
I yearn for their warm hold,
enticing my body to kiss you,
your music plays the song
of my loneliness tonight.

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Breathe your gentle touch over
the softest of my skin and awaken
that which needs your attention most.
Taste me with kisses so gently placed
upon the tenderness of my under arm
that my breathing inhales all of you when
your mouth leaves the familiarness of my skin.
With each touch of your lips against me,
the want for more of you possesses all of me,
my body rises to find you inside new hunger.
Your weight pushing back against me pins
me into a surrender of incredible desires.
Promise to take me slowly for I can not
be gentle with the hunger of this wanting
I have for you and your taunting touches.

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I dreamt of you

Once again you came to me
while deep within my dreams.
Reminding me of the lonely
memories of your embrace.
Those reminiscence songs and the
haunting sounds of your winds and
how your kisses take my breath away.
My thoughts caresses the soft shapes of your hills,
this quiet brings song from the strands
upward to the crags of Brandon.


Your finger tips
excite my skin

A caress from your
lashes awaken
my heart

gentle kisses laid
against my tummy

with my anticipation
of your closeness

I drift away

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I am washed in new desire for you,
increasingly thirsty for your gentle kiss,
I hunger for the hurried flood of passion
that is released from the single touch
of your fingertips upon my flesh,
after tomorrow is gone I will not crave
yesterday as much as I crave you today.

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The cobblestone pathway

The essence that is myself
was shaped within the gentle
kisses you placed upon my heart.

The sun would rise and set with
our eyes locked on what was ours,
my fingers tip-toed over the cobblestone
pathway we lived with each breath,
and my eyes danced over the softness
of your beautiful body and the
delicacy of your quiet thoughts.

The essence that is myself
has been shaped within gentle
days I know without you,
as I continue on life’s

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So many things

I’ve been the cloud
that has pierced your sky
but never the sky its entered.

I have been the wind
but never the leaves that
capture me as I enter the limbs.

I have been the water
but never the banks of
the river or oceans shore
I pound against.

I have been the love
that enters your days
but I have never been the heart.

I have been the music as
it was played by your fingers
but never the music written.

I know our lovemaking
but not as if I was you.

So many things I
do not want.

So many things
I do.

What is it like
to be you

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I fall victim

I concede defeat to you again from
this battle you waged against my heart.
Relentless in your continued taunting,
I fought a wasted defense from you.
Failed by the armor I depended upon
to shield me from your arrows, it
allowed you to pierce my spirit
and inflict a mortal wound in me.
Once more the battlefield bears
the brands of this impassioned love
and I fall victim to its hands.
Without fanfare or marching parades
the battle ends here within your arms and
I fall prisoner to you,
and to love I will

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With the morning touch of your lips against mine
I recognize a new day shall be filled with
new and never ending sensations.

With each kiss I will taste the fullness
of your body and the ocean's salt upon
this skin that I have come to adore.

With no fear of tomorrow’s loneliness
I looked into your eyes and knew the sun setting
was only the end of that day and our mooring.

I will listen to hear you whisper my name
within the gentle wave-like rhythms of
our bodies washing against each other.

The nights will be filled with the fragrant
aroma of our bodies as they lay against
each other as the ebb leaves us cast ashore.

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Within the wake

Your body is my ocean,
the soft steady breezes of
our love making fills my sails
as we rise and fall in the wake
of the ocean of linen we navigate.
With moans from within this vessel
and the tender tapping from worn riggings
I move forward through waters I do not fear
And to a harbor I will know as home port.

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Her lace

How I gazed upon her intricacy
I held her against the light
and marveled at the beauty
that came with this early morning.

For she loved this flower
above all others
but now would I dare
to gather even one



liquid manifestation
chilled and thickened
shaken with olive juice

Soft boiled

With such tenderness
you break away my shell
so gentle your hands hold me,
one stroke from your hand,
hear me beg you,
let me

amusez votre bouche.

@ @ @

Hurry to me.

Cling to me

Wrap me in your arms and legs as if
you were the ivy and I only the form,
embrace me with your vines and leaves
and cover me completely with all of you.
Enfold me with your growth until I am the
shape you desire and we become the topiary.

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Votre toucher,vos yeux.

Tenderly upon your neck

Surrounded by muted light
I watch you remove the
garments that hide your
soft white rising curves.

I watch your shoulder lower
as if I was placing a kiss
tenderly upon your neck.

The flatness of your tummy
and rounded bend of your hips
echo the whispers of my lips
placed gently on your skin.

With a gentle cruelty you
tauntingly turn away,
please not yet,

I have not finished
wanting you.

@ @


Veiled within the ardour of you,
I answer the calling enticements
of bed sheets sweetened by you,
I will become hopelessly lost in
our lovemaking and I shall drift
until the next time you call.

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Je vous ai attendus.


The temptation of wanting

you always existed, the
earth color of you against the
paleness of my ocean’s whitecaps.
I never thought about the
taste of Carmel until the
sun glistened off your skin.
Your soft curves taunted and
weaved their threads around me.
My lust for you was always
hiding behind the bars of innocence.

Tentez moi au dela imagination.

In half sleep

My arm laid outward stretched
looking for you somewhere lost
inside the wrinkles of the bed linen.
Somewhere within the morning's night
I could hear your gentle breathing,
my hand searching from inside half sleep
for your softness and that dance you
do when I caress your warm skin.

My arm laid outward stretched
looking for you somewhere,
perhaps it is I, who am lost
inside the breeze that whispers
good morning.

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She calls me

What is it that brings me back
to the call of the oceans and not
the awe of the chapel pillars,
I move to chords played from
the ocean’s majestic harp.
What is it that brings me back
to listen to your kisses placed
gently upon her lofty shores.

Why are my eyes ocean blue

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I do believe that a true God plants more than the color of your eyes or the color of your hair within your soul.

my proximity

to the alluring smells of lavender and
the excitement of kisses from your lips,
to the morning sunlight reflected from
the gentleness of your skin against mine,
to the feel of the softness of your thighs
and the passion that pours from you,

leaves me wanting more.


Desperately seeking

Desperately seeking the enchantress
who stole this Trouvere’s heart that day.

A glimpse of this Trobairitz caught at the café,
her beauty blending with spring honeysuckle.

Your song filled my heart with warmth and
I have not fallen to sleep without your
captivating smile and hazel eyes lulling
me into each night's slumber.

Desperately needing to tell you again

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Thank you for the messages
you locked away for us
in celluloid, my
captured imagination with
En lektion i karlek.


(A Lesson in Love)


The morning sun discovered you

hidden in racks of worn wood, and only
approachable for this shopper’s wonder,
your beautiful flower posed for love poems
inspired, waiting for capture upon dry plates
and etched for my eyes to keep you safe,
this hint of gardenia tempts my embrace
for your invitation of
my touch lavished
upon you.


Where your body closes into me
mine will arch to taste your swell.
Whenever our bodies ache for the other,
it will be together that we will share
the movement of desert sands.

We will bathe in the wash of a thousand winds
and be cleansed by the casualness of attrition.
You will feel me from under the parched sun
and I will embrace your umber flesh.

We will be joined in the ballet of Sedona sands
until the night sky shadows our love making.

@ @ @

in July

Sometimes I miss winter,
with the songs of chilled air
passing through your trees,
and my feet searching for yours
underneath cold sheets at night,
and then I remember

Sometimes I remember the softness
of your body pressing against mine,
the uncontrolled wanting of you as
your lips search for my kisses and
these arms taste this emptiness,
and then I remember

I miss the rain,
I just miss you,

in July

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Un canzone passando

From inside tears
his voice conveyed
my love to you.

Inside my heart
this music brought
smiles upon your face.

From inside the grape
pours the wine of
his angelic song.

This drifter

I am what I have become,
a vagrant inside love's intent
and of morning’s cold coffee.

Wandering lonely streets I look
inside doorways for shadows that
swallow the morning’s sunshine like
those that devoured you at noon.

I search each day for the warmth
that you held me gently in,
when autumn called for me.

With the setting of each sun
I am more aware that I have
become a drifter and alone
inside the silhouette of you.

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* untitled * (for her)

I have found myself off course,
lost on paths that have not taken
me back to your warmth.

I have tasted the salt off this gentle
landscape when my hunger cried
out for the calmness of your arms.

I drank from the well in the middle
of flat femmes aiment lands where
familiar tastes and sweet night rain
fall upon my kiss.

And then I looked up and your eyes
smiled down at me.

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I taste the salty beads that
dance over your breasts when
you rise and arch between my kisses,
they fall like a ballet that was
choreographed for my eyes and my temptation.
Be it by intent or by fate,
I have become the captive
audience of your nakedness,
a witness of the stage I know
only as your milk white skin.

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Saturday but once

I forgot the taste
of your skin, but
then Friday only
comes once a week.

I remembered wanting you,
but that was on Sunday
and tonight,

I am alone.

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The collision of heart

From where upon these rails
did I become bound to the tie?

The branch line that took me
from the summer's schedule
and then threw me into drift,
without destination it sent
me over the shoofly that this
heart failed to hear when the
call of the train whistle cried.

Sea glass

How fragile I find your heart,
with my hand laid upon your breast
I cried for a hundred tomorrows. With
the ache of emptiness always near me
I will surrender to these waves
that wash you against me, and I will
become the sea glass that survives
the storm of your water's edge.

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Point in time

Of late, I have taken to buying
watches for around my wrist,
it is not so much that I want to
know the time of day but
more the knowing that time
will not pass by me without
me having some responsibility
for where I am when it flashes
before with my life,

is it just time passing me by

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With every kiss,
With every look,
I ask for another moment with you.


With little solace and release
I came to worship your love,
a visitor kneeling at the alter
of your heart’s chapel, a broken man
seeking salvation from just one smile.

For these nights and
this day I offer you
my repentance.

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Within the clatter

I will sit here tonight and drink too much
and hope that it will help me forget
the softness of your kisses as they
were laid gently on my shoulder, when
the late of night was still young.

I will once again remember the loss that was
your touch when the ice clatters on the inside
of the glass that I am holding.

Tonight is a night like we would have spoke
of promises that were fulfilled yesterday,
and embraces that fell short of things
we needed tonight.

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Asparagus and eggs

The softness of your supple yolk
covers the tenderness of my green stalk,

Sunday morning’s waiting,
will you dance with me tonight?

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